E-mail address of the recipient that receives a copy of the message. When adding multiple e-mail addresses, make sure to separate the addresses with a semicolon.
.topic 4
Displays a list of your previously sent e-mail addresses.
.topic 62
Mail server options.
.topic 42
Converts images to JPEG format before sending. The majority of e-mail software can view JPEG images in an e-mail, but may not be able to view other types of images.
.topic 82
Your SMTP mail server name.
.topic 2
Subject of the e-mail message.
.topic 3
The message body.
.topic 23
Removes the selected e-mail account.
.topic 45
The maximum width of an image (in pixels) to send. Images larger than this will be resized before they are sent.
.topic 63
Attached image options.
.topic 52
Opens the assigned address book.
.topic 5
Displays a list of your previously sent e-mail addresses.
.topic 8
Sends the e-mail message.
.topic 9
The e-mail account to send messages from.
.topic 43
Specifies the amount to compress JPEG images before sending. Increasing the compression will make images smaller and send faster, however, it will also lower their quality.
.topic 46
The maximum height of an image (in pixels) to send. Images larger than this will be resized before they are sent.
.topic 60
The e-mail message that will be sent with the images.
.topic 81
Your e-mail address.
.topic 51
Use the Windows (Outlook Express) address book.
.topic 40
The maximum size (in kilobytes) of the message.
.topic 41
Specifies the time to wait (in seconds) for the SMTP mail server to respond.
.topic 7
Preview of the attached images.
.topic 21
Adds a new e-mail account.
.topic 6
List of images that will be attached to the e-mail message.
.topic 22
Edits the selected e-mail account.
.topic 80
Your full name.
.topic 61
The images that will be sent with the e-mail message.
.topic 64
The list of installed accounts e-mail can be sent from.
.topic 0
E-mail address of the recipient of the message. When adding multiple e-mail addresses, make sure to separate the addresses with a semicolon.
.topic 44
Reduces the size of large images before sending them.
.topic 50
Use the MAPI (Microsoft Outlook/Lotus Notes) address book.
.topic 20
The list of installed accounts e-mail can be sent from.